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Algonquin College News

Policy PM06: Residence Admissions has been updated

April 25, 2024

The purpose of this policy is to establish a process to admit students to the Residence at the Ottawa Campus.

This policy applies to all Algonquin College students.

The following updates have been made to the policy:

1. The College provides Residence to allow students the opportunity to experience the convenience and services associated with campus living. A primary goal is to support students with resources through the transition to post-secondary education. The College uses a Residence Operator to administer programming and develop all necessary procedures.

2. Acceptance into the Residence will be on a “first-come, first-served” basis. For the fall term, the College will set aside beds in the Residence for the following student groups as stated below:

  1. International Students: One hundred and twenty-five (125) beds will be reserved for International students. After June 15, any of the 125 beds not filled by International students will be made available to other students. International students will also be able to fill beds beyond the 125 reserved.
  2. Barrier-Free Rooms: A total of twenty (20) rooms are barrier-free and will be allocated to students requiring a barrier-free room. After June 15, if they are not filled by eligible students, they may be allocated to other students.
  3. Indigenous Students: Fifty (50) beds will be reserved for Indigenous students. After June 15, any of the 50 beds not filled by Indigenous students will be made available to other students. Indigenous students will also be able to fill beds beyond the 50 reserved.
  4. Residence Student Leaders: Twenty-five (25) beds will be reserved until June 15 for students in Residence who are selected as Residence Life student staff members.
  5. Waitlist: Once the Residence has received applications and fee deposits to match available rooms, taking into account the rooms that have been set aside for International students, Indigenous students, and those requiring barrier-free rooms, a waitlist will be started. Waitlist position will be first-come, first-served.

3. Applications received outside of the established application intake process will be admitted on a first-come, first-served basis provided there is space available at the time of the application.

4. Applications to Residence can be submitted upon the opening of the Residence portal.

5. Fall term Residence applicants must be confirmed in an academic program at the College by June 15.

6. Residence fees will provide a furnished suite, utilities, local telephone calls, and internet access. Staying in Residence during the College closure between the Fall and Winter Terms (twenty-four hours after the end of the Fall Term in December until the College reopens in January) is not included in the fees. Students requiring residence accommodation during this time will be charged an additional fee.

7. Residents are required to read and agree to the terms of the Student Resident Agreement before completing their application, which includes the Residence Community Living Standards.

8. The Residence General Manager will administer this policy and develop and implement all necessary procedures. The Residence General Manager will evaluate on a case-by-case basis requests from residents for an exception to any clause of this policy.

9. The Director of Campus Services will monitor the bed allocations set out in Section 2 on an annual basis, and revise if necessary, to ensure it is responsive to changes in the campus housing environment.

You are encouraged to review the revised policy at this link.

Any questions regarding the policy should be directed to Brent Brownlee, Director, Campus Services